How to Pay?

Please select one of the methods to pay

  1. Login to your bank portal (BBT, Chase, BOFA) and open Zelle
  2. Enter the email -, amount - $15.00, note - TPB | {Your name} | {Net Id}, and click Continue
  3. Submit the Google Form and attach the screenshot of the payment
  4. We will send the confirmation mail in 3 days. If we don't reply in 3 days, contact us on Whatsapp
  1. Login to
  2. Enter recipient - @siddhantmene, amount - $15, note - TPB | {Your name} | {Net Id}, and click Pay
  3. Submit the Google Form and attach the screenshot of the payment
  4. We will send the confirmation mail in 3 days. If we don't reply in 3 days, contact us on Whatsapp